Performance Perspectives Blog

Bacon vs. Spaulding: perhaps it was not meant to be …

by | Apr 3, 2018

Bacon vs. Spaulding: will it happen?

Despite what some may believe, Carl Bacon and I are good friends. We’ve known each other for more than 20 years, have served on committees together, have “broken bread” together on multiple occasions, and have disagreed about a few things.

Well, actually, MORE than a few things.

And so, I thought it would be fun to have a multi-topic debate, that would bring out many of these topics.

We are slotted to cover a multitude of performance and risk topics, in a way never seen before.

But, there’s just one problem …

They’re not coming! At least not enough to justify us putting it on. At least not yet!

Our firm is always ready to try new things, and the Bacon vs. Spaulding debate was just one of them. Given that Carl and I have each been in the industry for quite some time (> three decades), and have had the pleasure speaking to many groups about our views and insights, we thought that such a debate would be welcome.

Bacon vs. Spaulding: Plan A has become Plan B

Our original plan was for two, one-day “live” events, in Philadelphia and London. However, it became clear that this had little appeal. But, we heard from several folks who suggested that a “pay-per-view” would, so we decided that a web-based event might be better.

Well, to be quite honest, so far we haven’t seen much interest.

And so, unless we get enough folks to sign up by “tax day” (i.e., April 15), we’ll kill it.

To learn more about the event and to register, please go here.

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