Join us on July 28th and 29th for a four-part webinar series focused on the recently released explanations of the provisions for the next four sections of the 2020 GIPS® standards (sections 5-8).

This webinar series will be led by TSG's team of experts, Ashley Reeves, CIPM; John D. Simpson, CIPM; David D. Spaulding, DPS, CIPM and Todd Juillerat, CFA.

July 28, 2020

11:00-12:00 noon EDT

Section 5:  David D. Spaulding, DPS, CIPM

1:00-2:00 pm EDT

Section 6: Todd Juillerat, CFA 

July 29, 2020

11:00-12:00 noon EDT

Section 7: John D. Simpson, CIPM

1:00-2:00 pm EDT
Section 8: Ashley Reeves, CIPM

During these sessions, we will highlight and explain the changes within the provisions as well as take your questions.

If you currently claim compliance with the GIPS standards, or are planning to comply, this is a webinar series you won’t want to miss.

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Copyright 2020, TSG, Inc.

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