GIPS® Standards 101

TSG is GIPS Verified and covers GIPS Standards

What is compliance with the GIPS Standards? How do you bring your firm into compliance with the GIPS Standards? What is GIPS Verification? Learn more with our GIPS Standards 101. 

The Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS) are an ethical set of standardized, industry-wide principles that provide investment firms with guidance on how to report investment performance to prospective clients.

The Standards allow firms to compete globally and provide investors with the ability to make comparisons between investment firms.

In the institutional market, compliance with the Standards and third-party verification are de facto requirements.

Firms will have a hard time winning business if they’re not compliant and haven’t gone through a GIPS verification.

Compliance with the GIPS Standards is a way for your firm to stand out and above your competition in other markets, like retail and alternative investments, and to be sure that industry best practices are being followed. This provides internal and external benefits for the firm.

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TSG GIPS® Standards for OCIO/Consultants

GIPS Standards 101: Get a Customized Proposal

We can provide you with a proposal tailored to your precise needs.

Please answer the questions below, and we will provide you with a detailed proposal for performance verification services.   Or, if you need immediate assistance, please call 732-873-5700.

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