Do hedge fund managers misreport returns?

The current issue of The Journal of Finance (October, 2009) has an article by Bollen & Pool titled “Do Hedge Fund Managers Misreport Returns? Evidence from the Pooled Distribution.” It seems that there’s “a sharp discontinuity in...

Performance measured and rewarded?

I will rarely make any political comments here, but this time I simply can’t help it. Yesterday’s announcement that U.S. President Barack Obama is this year’s Nobel Peace Prize recipient is just too amazing to pass up. The beauty of investment...

Consolidated reporting

Many firms like to group a client’s accounts together, to provide a consolidated report that presents the client with the “overall picture” of what they hold. This is commonly done in the brokerage arena, as well as by others. So, how does one...

Mea culpa

  “As with all generalizations it may be both exaggerated and unfair” Pablo Triana Anytime one hints at a generalization, they’re bound to offend one or more individuals. In my “Letter from the Publisher” in the current issue of The...


Methodology, like sex, is better demonstrated than discussed – E.E. Leamer I’m reading Measurement, Design and Analysis by Pedhazur & Schmelkin for a course I’m taking and am finding it quite interesting. While we often address topics such as how...

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