“Cool Words”

As grandparents of two boys (ages four and soon-to-be two), my wife and I have become acquainted with the television show “Yo Gabba Gabba.” A regular feature is called “cool tricks,” where a guest displays something they think is,...
Insights & Perspectives

Insights & Perspectives

It recently occurred to me how these two words, insights and perspectives, play a non insignificant (i.e., significant) role in performance measurement. I often reference both when I teach, but thought it appropriate to share some views here with you.InsightsMy...
What about us?

What about us?

Earlier this year, the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS(R)) Executive Committee published a draft guidance statement which expands the reach of GIPS into the asset owner world. I have commented briefly on it here before, and wrote an article for Pensions...
Overselling time-weighting

Overselling time-weighting

For some time it’s been my view that time-weighting was oversold.That is, when nearly 50 years ago (1966, to be exact) Peter Dietz published his dissertation, promoting a return method to eliminate or reduce the impact of cash flows, his idea was so...

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