by admin | May 18, 2012 | GIPS, Global Investment Performance Standards
The 2010 edition of GIPS(R) (Global Investment Performance Standards) introduced the term “model fee,” but without any clarification as to what the term means. Consequently, we get questions like the following, which was sent by a verification client to me...
by TSG | May 15, 2012 | GIPS, Performance Perspectives Newsletter, risk
VOLUME 9 – ISSUE 8 May 2012 Download PDF...
by admin | May 15, 2012 | discretion, GIPS, Global Investment Performance Standards, nondiscretion
Recall that GIPS(R) (Global Investment Performance Standards) has a fundamental rule that states “all actual, fee paying, discretionary portfolios must be included in at least one composite.” Much of this is pretty simple:”actual”: a real...
by admin | May 9, 2012 | AIMR-PPS, GIPS, Global Investment Performance Standards, gross of fees, net of fees
A colleague recently brought to my attention wording that appears in the 1993 edition of the Performance Presentation Standards, published by AIMR (Association for Investment Management and Research; the former name of the CFA Institute). On page 25, under a section...
by admin | May 5, 2012 | GIPS, Global Investment Performance Standards
We are witnessing a case, I believe, of unintended consequences in the world of American football (not to be confused with the rest of the world’s view of football, which Americans call soccer). The fundamental question: do football helmets, which were...
by admin | May 3, 2012 | benchmarks, GIPS, Global Investment Performance Standards, index
A GIPS(R) (Global Investment Performance Standards) verification client was rebalancing their blended benchmark annually and their portfolio monthly. This sparked a whole long discussion with a few colleagues on the appropriate timing for rebalancing. The basic...