Dealing with prospects below the minimum

Recall that the GIPS 2010 “exposure draft” proposed a requirement that firms be prohibited from giving a GIPS (R) composite presentation to prospects below their stated minimum. While this was characterized as a change from a “recommendation,”...

Annual distribution to clients

One proposed change to the GIPS(r) standards that garnered a great deal of attention was to recommend that compliant firms annually send the appropriate composite presentation(s) to their existing clients. While this was merely a recommendation, many folks opposed it....


One great benefit from conferences is the questions that are posed … they sometimes identify things that weren’t previously considered. Effective 1 January 2010, firms must revalue portfolios for large cash flows. Okay, fine. AND, unless you revalue for...

Verification verifies compliance … not!

During this week’s GIPS(R) conference we learned that the GIPS executive committee was wrestling with the term “verification,” which has been part of these standards since 1999 and part of the prior AIMR-PPS(R) since ’93. The problem is that...

Changes, changes, changes … You win some, you lose some

The long anticipated announcement of the changes to the GIPS(R) standards is beginning to occur. At yesterday’s opening session of this year’s annual GIPS Conference, we learned of some of what is in store for us: these changes will occur in January 2011....

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