Appraisal institute chimes in

The Appraisal Institute announced that they endorse more frequent valuations of real estate properties, as was proposed in the GIPS 2010 draft (see...

Discretion…does this help?

GIPS(R) compliant firms are required to include all actual (i.e., a REAL account, not a model), fee-paying (i.e., that the account pays fees, though this may change with GIPS 2010 to mandate the inclusion of non-fee paying accounts, too), discretionary accounts into...
Standard deviation: dispersion vs. risk

Standard deviation: dispersion vs. risk

Standard deviation is a commonly used statistic, well known by many long before they enter the world of performance measurement, which serves multiple purposes and thus engenders confusion.The GIPS 2010 draft proposed a requirement that a 36-month annualized standard...

Tom Watson & performance measurement

I can’t allow the almost history making weekend in Turnberry, Scotland go by without trying to tie it to investment performance. Well, how’s this?Tom Watson once accused fellow golfer Gary Player of cheating. This was during the first...

GIPS 2010 … the people have spoken II

Continuing our discussion on some of the key findings from the feedback to the proposed changes to GIPS(r) …Recall that the Executive Committee proposed a new recommendation, 0.B.2, that compliant firms provide their existing clients with a copy of their...

GIPS 2010 … the people have spoken

I spent a few hours reviewing the 100+ comment letters that were submitted in response to the proposed changes to the GIPS standards, and want to give you an indication of what folks wrote, at least on a few key issues. I don’t envy the CFA Institute staff who...

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