Where education is lacking

Where education is lacking

Surely you’re familiar with the George Santayana line about needing to recall the past to avoid repeating it. This speaks to history, yes?In today’s Wall Street Journal Norm Augustine discusses how history is a subject today’s youth don’t do...
Knowing the risks one is taking

Knowing the risks one is taking

By now you probably heard about a rogue trader who’s cost his employer, UBS, some $2 billion. The bank’s risk management is being questioned, and I won’t say anymore about it at this  time.It so happens that another, perhaps more interesting,...
Last week to participate!

Last week to participate!

TSG (TSG) has announced that this will be the final week to participate in its 4th survey on performance attribution. Joining in is quite simple, as the survey is online and easy to access; simply go to the firm’s website and you’ll be directed to the...
The overwhelm effect

The overwhelm effect

In this past weekend’s WSJ,Jonah Lehrer had an article titled “Learning How to Focus on Focus.” He quotes psychologist Herbert Simon: “A wealth of information creates a poverty of attention.” Lehrer tell us that a key is to strengthen our...

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