What is the “sell side”?

We have been engaged in a research project for a client, who wanted information on “sell side fixed income attribution systems.” This cause me to reflect a bit on the term “sell side.” You’ve no doubt run into the terms “buy...
Words matter

Words matter

In yesterday’s WSJ, William McGurn wrote about adhering to codes of conduct, and began by citing West Point’s code: “A cadet will not lie, cheat, steal or tolerate those who do.” As a former Army officer who served with many “ring...
Math mistakes matter

Math mistakes matter

In this past weekend’s Wall Street Journal, Carl Bialik’s article, “Technology Can’t Save Us From Math Mishaps, brought home the problems we face daily in trying to ensure a relatively high degree of accuracy in the information we report.He...
What goes around, comes around

What goes around, comes around

The revelation that the U.S. Justice Department is now investigating S&P’s ratings of pools of mortgage backed securities is perhaps totally unrelated to S&P’ recent downgrading of the U.S. government’s credit worthiness, but the timing does...

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