Performance Perspectives Blog

Thoughts on performance measurement from David Spaulding and other members of our team.

Accruing advisory fees: does it make sense?

  I recently sent a suggestion into the GIPS(R) (Global Investment Performance Standards) Help Desk, suggesting that they introduce a recommendation, if not an outright ban, on firms deducting the annual fee from the annual gross-of-fee return, to arrive at their...

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What performance measurement tattoo will YOU get?

  In this weekend's WSJ there's an article on companies that are encouraging their employees to get tattoos: Nice Tattoo! I Didn’t Know You Worked at Walmart. I would love to see Patrick, Chris, and Douglas, or John, Ashley and Linda adorn their bodies with TSG's...

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Overcoming the fear of GIPS compliance

  GIPS compliance brings more than opportunities Since its introduction nearly 20 years ago, the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) has brought with it much more than greater marketing opportunities, piece of mind, and improved operations. Just its...

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Do You Trust Your Performance Numbers?

  NOTE: today's post is from a guest blogger, Marshall Smith, CIPM. Marshall is the Chief Product Officer at First Rate. It originally appeared on LinkedIn, and we were so impressed with it that we asked Marshall if we could post it here, as well. He graciously...

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Opining on the sacred benchmark criteria

  With this post, I feel that I am risking a charge of blasphemy, as I dare to take on what appears to be something sacred: The benchmark criteria. What criteria? You know, those seven (now eight) items that the CFA Institute has championed for quite some time....

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GIPS verifiers, why the handcuffs?

  We've recently learned that some GIPS(R) verifiers have both their clients and employees in handcuffs. And, to this we have a simple question: why? Handcuffing GIPS verification clients A number of  firms have expressed interest in switching their verifications...

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