Performance Perspectives Blog

Thoughts on performance measurement from David Spaulding and other members of our team.

Why it is good to look at outliers

Why it is good to look at outliers

In the past two weeks I've conducted two software certifications for TSG clients, and in both cases they had controls to test portfolio returns against specified benchmark tolerances. And, as you might expect, the fact that a portfolio blows past a...

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TSG to host Risk Week: an online conference event

TSG to host Risk Week: an online conference event

TSG will host Risk Week this coming fall. It will be a week of daily webinars, covering a variety of risk topics.Risk measurement's importance to the investment industry has never been greater; thus our belief that a week of daily sessions, conducted by leading...

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More on representative accounts and GIPS compliance

More on representative accounts and GIPS compliance

A TSG verification client recently sent me the following note:Hi Dave, I’m hoping you can answer a questions for us very quickly.  Our CCO and I are having a disagreement over whether representative account performance from a composite can be shown alongside the...

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Performance attribution with derivatives

Performance attribution with derivatives

One area that often results in a lot of confusion (and probably some controversy) is how one should calculate performance attribution of a portfolio that includes derivatives. I have been of the opinion that if the portfolio holds anything that isn't represented in...

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Occasions when the cure is worse than the disease

Occasions when the cure is worse than the disease

In their classic, A Monetary History of the United States, 1967- 1960, Milton Friedman and Anna Jacobson Schwartz observed that FDR's bank holiday, shortly after he took office in 1933, which was supposed to have been a cure was, in reality, "worse than the disease."A...

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TSG now offers Opeational Reviews

TSG now offers Opeational Reviews

TSG announced yesterday that we now offer operational reviews. While we've actually been performing this service for 20 years, we never told anyone about it...seems odd, right? When a client would come to us and ask, "can you review our operation, to identify...

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