Performance Perspectives Blog

Thoughts on performance measurement from David Spaulding and other members of our team.

What we might learn from the Higgs boson?

What we might learn from the Higgs boson?

I must confess a fair amount of interest in the recent discovery of the Higgs boson, aka "The God Particle." It is an amazing story, though its true meaning seems beyond the grasp of most of us mortals. I won't bother to attempt to explain what it is, since there are...

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A twist on handling the interaction effect

A twist on handling the interaction effect

One of the topics which often results in debate is the interaction effect. Recall that in performance attribution, specifically with the "Brinson models," we have two effects: allocation and selection. Depending on how we calculate these effects we may have a third:...

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First Principles in Performance & Risk

First Principles in Performance & Risk

A first principle is refers to "any axiom, law, or abstraction assumed and regarded as representing the highest possible degree of generalization."Fields such as philosophy, mathematics, and physics have them. Does performance and/or risk measurement? I think there...

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A mid-week holiday

A mid-week holiday

It has become fashionable here in the United States to move holidays to a Monday or Friday, so as to have a three-day weekend. This has happened with Memorial Day and Veterans' Day, for example. I was born on Veterans' Day (what used to be Armistice Day), and I...

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Documenting your risk measure

Documenting your risk measure

At TSG's PMAR Europe conference earlier this month, one speaker suggested that Bill Sharpe's revised eponymously named risk-adjusted return is more typically employed than the original. While I don't have a lot in the way of empirical evidence, I believe...

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Making rules can be a challenge

Making rules can be a challenge

"It's good to be king" (King Louis XVI, from History of the World, Part I)Responsibility for crafting rules can be quite a challenge, hefty responsibility, and difficult undertaking. It's so easy for things not to work out as we'd like, for errors to be...

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Say What?

Say What?

Surely I am not the only one whose reaction to this photo and caption on the front page of this weekend's WSJ was different than what was intended."Germany Celebrates Greek Exit"?!?!?!From what? The Euro?Nah. From the European Cup. I was in Dublin Friday night and...

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