Performance Perspectives Blog

Thoughts on performance measurement from David Spaulding and other members of our team.

What is it about numbers that end with 0 or 5?

I've commented in the past about anniversaries, and how we tend to give greater emphasis to ones that end with the number five or zero. My wife and I will celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary this November (we were very young when we wed, as I can't be THAT old!),...

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Writing reports

Writing reports

I think Susan Weiner's blog is a must place to visit for anyone who writes (and who doesn't?).In a recent post she discusses a new book, Reader Friendly Reports, by Carter A. Daniel. I have been writing reports on a regular basis for over 40 years. Some are short (a...

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Is performance attribution incomplete?

On a recent drive to and from a GIPS(R) (Global Investment Performance Standards) verification client, I began to listen to a book on Einstein and some of his friends, which included Kurt Gödel. I don't recall hearing of Gödel before, but do recollect his...

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Did the WSJ jinx the DJIA?

Did the WSJ jinx the DJIA?

In today's WSJ, on page C1 there's an article titled "You Hear That? It's Quiet...Too Quiet," that mentions that it's been 45 trading days without a 100-point decline in the Dow, which is apparently the longest stretch since 2006.And what happens?  Well, as of...

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Dollars versus percentages, which to use?

Dollars versus percentages, which to use?

In today's Financial Times, there's a front page article that provides a ranking of the top hedge fund managers, by the dollars in profit they've produced. It points out that Ray Dalio (Bridgewater Pure Alpha) has surpassed the legendary George Soros (Quantum...

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SS&C Buying Thomson’s PORTIA

SS&C Buying Thomson’s PORTIA

It has been known for some time that Thomson was shopping their PORTIA suite of products. Well, we have just learned that SS&C Technologies has agreed to acquire it for $170 million This is huge news for the industry.I have speculated that SS&C might be...

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Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds

Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds

Last November's WSJ's had a Jason Zweig article in which he reminded us of Charles Mackay's '41 book on market bubbles, whose title serves as this post's title. He pointed out how the author himself was fooled, just shortly after his book was published, in believing...

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Who’s Who in Performance Measurement, II

Who’s Who in Performance Measurement, II

The Journal of Performance Measurement(R) is beginning a series on performance measurement professionals, and we need your help to identify the folks we should include. We plan to focus on one or two people in each issue, but want the list to be driven by input from...

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A sense of community

A sense of community

In this past weekend's WSJ, an article titled "Religion for Everyone" appeared which was taken from a book by Alain de Botton, that touched on the subject of "community." It begins "One of the losses that modern society feels most keenly is the loss of a sense of...

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Who’s Who in Performance Measurement

Who’s Who in Performance Measurement

In the Fall 2011 issue of The Journal of Performance Measurement(R) we mentioned that this year we're starting a new section, that will highlight the "Who's Who" of performance measurement. We invited readers to submit names to our editor, Doug Spaulding. While we've...

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