Performance Perspectives Blog

Thoughts on performance measurement from David Spaulding and other members of our team.

Overselling time-weighting

Overselling time-weighting

Motivational speaker Zig Ziglar frequently interjects jokes into his presentations. One deals with a Roman Catholic girl who was asked by her Baptist boyfriend to marry him. This occurred many years ago, when such “mixed marriages” were often frowned upon. When the...

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Bold predictions about the future can be haunting

Bold predictions about the future can be haunting

Dippin' Dots' claim of being the "ice cream of the future" appears to have been a bit aggressive, as it declared for bankruptcy.Granted, this bold statement was merely their tag line, and perhaps some could foresee ice cream actually universally becoming like their...

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Periodicity for risk statistics (and other measures)

Periodicity for risk statistics (and other measures)

A client recently asked about the appropriateness of reporting volatility and tracking error, for one and three month time periods, based on daily values. In addition, whether the results should be annualized. He was curious about the "best practices" for reporting...

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How to make your returns look better

How to make your returns look better

We've discovered a way to enhance performance, at least in the short term: if you have a portfolio begin late in the month, to make the monthly return look better, treat the return as if it was for the full month!What do we mean by this? Well, consider the Modified...

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Oldies … so, do you want us or not?

Oldies … so, do you want us or not?

This weekend's WSJ has two stories, reflecting opposite views.Michael M. Phillips' "The Old Soldier Who Didn't Fade Away" tells the story of a 59-year old U.S. Army staff sergeant who is currently deployed in Afghanistan. He has my admiration and appreciation for his...

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Risks in predicting the future

Risks in predicting the future

Despite the criticisms that have been offered to anyone who wishes to make predictions, there is no limit to their presence. Who would want to see the end of weathermen (weather people?) telling us what tomorrow will look like, despite everyone knowing "no one can...

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In and out of a bear market, or maybe not

In and out of a bear market, or maybe not

In this weekend's WSJ, Jason Zweig (in "If It Looks Like a Bear ...") begins with a brief retrospective on what appeared to be the market's recent entry into bear market territory (and quick departure from), but then touches on what is meant by a "bear market." It...

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