Performance Perspectives Blog

Thoughts on performance measurement from David Spaulding and other members of our team.

Alphabet soup … does it really matter?

Alphabet soup … does it really matter?

I stumbled upon an article I had saved from The Wall Street Journal, April 24, 2006 issue titled "Alphabet Soup," by Karen Hube. The subtitle reads "Financial advisors are adding more titles to their business cards. Do any of these labels really matter?Great question....

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Deadline extended for “mini survey”

Deadline extended for “mini survey”

Last month we announced our first "mini survey." I had planned to reference it in our March newsletter. Unfortunately, I forgot, and so we have extended the deadline to participate until May 15. Please join in as your responses will be of value, and the survey will...

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Madoff on risk

Madoff on risk

I was intrigued by an interview that appeared in last weekend's Financial Times: "Madoff spins his story." This is the longest interview to date of the formerly well respected investor, until his record-setting Ponzi scheme was revealed.It's definitely worth a read,...

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Why performance measurement?

Why performance measurement?

Please allow me to share something personal with you. I am often asked why I chose to work in investment performance measurement, and I must confess that it was anything but a grand plan. I am reading Michael Gerber's E Myth Mastery, and came across the following,...

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