Bonds continue to be poorly understood and underutilized, especially among risk managers and performance analysts. Our session on maximizing the value of the fixed income investments within the asset owner portfolio dispels the misunderstandings regarding how bonds are issued, traded and allocated in multi-asset portfolios.
Performance Perspectives Blog
Thoughts on performance measurement from David Spaulding and other members of our team.
Will 2025 Usher in “The Great Fixed Income Decade?”
Guidance Statement for OCIO Portfolios – TSG’s Key Takeaways and Summary
The CFA Institute has introduced a new Guidance Statement specifically for Outsourced Chief Investment Officer (OCIO) firms, providing a tailored framework designed specifically for OCIOs under the broader Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®)
Important GIPS Standards Updates and New Guidance
GIPS Standards: Important Updates and New Guidance
The Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) continue to evolve, with several important updates provided during the GIPS Standards Update session at the 28th Annual GIPS Standards Conference held on September 17-18, 2024, in San Diego, CA.
Key Takeaways from CFA Institute’s Annual GIPS Standards Conference
The CFA Institute’s 28th Annual Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS) Conference was held in San Diego, CA on September 17-18. One of the highlights of attending is the chance to reconnect with colleagues, industry contacts, and old friends.
Don’t Overlook the Draft GIPS Guidance Statement on OCIOs
There was a time when we saw new GIPS® guidance statements introduced on a pretty frequent basis; so much so, many of us were overwhelmed by them.Well, a new one was just introduced that addresses Outsourced Chief Investment Officers, or OCIOs. If your firm or...
Is the SEC Silently Cheerleading for the GIPS Standards?
Thirty-Plus years ago, when the Association for Investment Management & Research (AIMR) launched its Performance Presentation Standards (AIMR-PPS®), the United States Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) showed support, but never formally endorsed it. Now...
Six best practices to ensure proper distribution and tracking of GIPS® reports
The Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) are a set of guidelines created to help firms calculate and report investment performance to their clients. Compliance with the GIPS standards is voluntary but is considered a best practice for firms looking to differentiate themselves and provide transparency to their clients.
One important aspect of GIPS compliance is the distribution of GIPS reports to prospective clients and/or prospective investors in a Limited Distribution Pooled Fund (“prospects”).
As verifiers, some of the most common deficiencies we see relate to the requirements around the distribution of GIPS reports. In fact, it’s at the top of our Common Mistakes list that we provide to all new clients.
This post may help you explain odd returns caused by the #coronavirus
Odd returns are surfacing, and the coronavirus is the culprit I'll confess to a bit of hyperbole or misdirected blame here. We can't really credit the coronavirus, but the markets have been extremely volatile, and whenever that happens, we are bound to see some odd...
Making sense out of nonsensical returns
My colleague, Jennifer Barnette, CIPM, suggested that this blog post from many years ago be published again. I was flattered that she felt it was worthy of reappearing. She was also kind enough to do some edits. It has been quite some time since I've done a blog post....
Modified Dietz as an alternative to the IRR: does it make sense?
One of those confusing things in the world of performance measurement: Modified Dietz Modified Dietz is one of the most commonly used return measures. Granted, Peter Dietz probably never referred to it as "Modified" (he called it "Day-Weighted," as opposed to...