An opportunity to get consulting time with

Dr. David Spaulding, at a huge discount

Dr. David Spaulding will host a unique consulting opportunity on Thursday, October 26, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, at the Westin Sydney Hotel.

If you’re struggling with any issues or questions, have concerns about anything performance or risk related, David will help.

This will be a unique opportunity to spend some quality time with one of the industry’s leading authorities on performance and risk measurement. He only visits Australia about once a year, so you should take advantage of this opportunity to bring your issues, questions, problems to him.

The session will be limited to 20 people, and the investment is USD 500 per person. If you elect to send more than one person, the investment is still only USD 500 per person. This rate is less than 10% of what Dave normally commands as his daily fee.

Breakfast and lunch will be provided.

To join in, you must register by Friday, October 6.

To register and pay by credit card, click on the button below. If you wish to wire funds, or be invoiced, please send us an email to

Payment must be received no later than Friday, October 13.

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