Performance Perspectives Blog … so promising

by | Aug 29, 2009

A few years back someone began a website,, to provide a variety of services, including a way to get questions answered. They asked me, along with a few others, to serve as moderators. And periodically I’d offer comments.

Well, earlier this year I noticed that apparently some spam artist had cracked their code to the point where I was getting 20-25 messages a day, with most, if not all, being garbage. How sad.

What is wrong with some people that they have to “get their kicks” out of being disruptive like this? Of course those who introduce viruses or who are scam artists are worse, but they’re all pretty sick as far as I’m concerned.

I suspect that the sponsors of this site have decided not to make the investment to ward off these hackers: they most likely employ older technology that isn’t as fool-proof as what’s available today.

Unfortunate, as this has been a good site. I now have all their messages automatically go to “junk,” because I simply can’t take the time to go through so many to find the occasional one that’s legit. And so if you’ve been on this site and have wondered why I don’t respond any more, that’s it!

And so, if you have a question, send it to me directly and I’ll do my best.

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