Performance Perspectives Blog

Announcing TSG’s Sixth Performance Measurement Technology Survey

by | Jul 19, 2017


TSG, in association with Confluence Technologies, Ortec Finance, Robust Technologies, and Statpro, is conducting a performance measurement technology survey.

This is the sixth time TSG has conducted a survey on performance measurement technology. The survey covers several areas, including:

  • rates of return
  • composite returns (for GIPS® compliance)
  • equity attribution
  • fixed income attribution
  • risk measurement
  • outsourcing.

Participate in the performance measurement technology survey and get a FREE report and the chance to win a Bose speaker!

All participants will receive a FREE report of the survey’s results. In addition, they’ll have the opportunity to win a Bose portable speaker!

Everyone’s identity will be kept confidential (not even our co-sponsors will see it!).

An efficient survey to get key information and not require a lot of time to complete!

We respect your time, and know that completing any survey can be a distraction.

That’s why we designed it in an efficient way, so that we can capture key information, that will prove of importance to many, while keeping the survey’s length as short as possible. In fact … the survey should take you only about 10 minutes to complete.

TSG’s conducting two performance measurement technology surveys!

This the “user” side of our current performance measurement technology research. We are looking for asset owners and asset managers will complete it. There’s a companion “provider” side, which is being sent to software vendors and custodians.

To participate, please go here!

We hope to have the research completed next month, with our reports available shortly thereafter.

Please join in!!!

Already getting a great response! Please participate

We announced the survey this past Monday, and already have over 50 responses!

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