Performance Perspectives Blog

Performance Measurement Technology Survey … you have one more week to participate!

by | Aug 30, 2017


We’ve extended the deadline to participate in our 6th Performance Measurement Technology Survey!

While the response to our Performance Measurement Technology Survey has been quite good, we just know we can get at least a few more participants.

We originally set the deadline to participate at August 31. However, the last week of August, bumping right up against Labor Day Weekend, was perhaps not the ideal date to choose. After all, many in our industry (as well as other industries) like to take this week off (even I’m off this week!). And so, by adding another week, we hope to reach our goal.

And what’s our goal?

We’d like to have 200 participants in our survey (actually, we’d like even more, but will be quite happy with 200).

And so, if you haven’t yet participated, please visit this page.

We don’t think it should take you very long to complete the survey. There are several sections, and you need only complete those that apply to you.

All participants will have the opportunity to win a Bose speaker! So please, join in today!

Just to clarify … the deadline is now Friday, September 8th.

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