I’ve commented in the past how the new version of the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS(R)) can be a bit confusing. The “2010” in the title refers to the published date; the effective date is 2011 (actually, January 1, 2011). But when do firms have to begin to comply?
Well, the answer is “it depends.” First, firms can comply early if they so choose. But when MUST GIPS-compliant firms comply with the new provisions. The simple answer: when they begin to reflect 2011 returns in their presentations.
So, for example, if you typically show quarterly returns in your presentations, then you’d comply when you show your 1Q2011 returns (probably around April of next year). But what if you only show annual returns? Then, you would comply when you show your 2011 annual returns…which might not happen until January 2012!