When the stats don’t add up

When the stats don’t add up

I am a very big fan of Michael Lewis, beginning with his best seller Liar’s Poker. I was advised to read Moneyball, and as with his other books, found it very well written. And given my lifelong love of baseball, found it quite intriguing: the idea that the...
The art of investing

The art of investing

Since almost the beginning of this blog, I have incorporated clipart, to add color, effect, humor, and sometimes wonder (as you wonder what the heck it’s there for). The selection has always followed the subject, until today.Clipart has the word...
What does it mean?

What does it mean?

Earlier this month I posted a question regarding what the definition of “composite return” is. Given the importance of this value within the GIPS(R) standards (Global Investment Performance Standards), there should be an answer.I promised to expand on this...

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