Performance Perspectives Blog

BREAKING NEWS!!! GIPS help has gotten easier!

by | Mar 1, 2012

TSG, Inc. has just announced the creation of a new website service, that provides answers to GIPS(R) (Global Investment Performance Standards) related questions.

“We are often contacted by clients and colleagues with questions dealing with the Global Investment Performance Standards,” said Christopher Spaulding, a Senior Vice President at TSG. “We felt would be a tremendous resource for compliant firms and firms looking to become compliant. In addition to serving as a valuable time saving compliance resource for our industry, there will also be a private, members-only section dedicated to TSG’s verification clients.”

With the tremendous growth in our verification practice (both GIPS and non-GIPS), we see many situations on a regular basis that require interpretation. And, we regularly receive questions from clients and colleagues. It just seemed to us that this would be a beneficial service for the industry.

And, it’s free! All you need to do is register to use it.

We look forward to your feedback.

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