Reflections on an old Chinese statistical joke

I’ve mentioned in the past the value I’m seeing in a design book (Measurement, Design and Analysis, by Pedhazur & Schmelkin) I’m reading for a course. The authors reference a book by H. Zeisel (Say it with figures) who “pointed out that,...
Waltzing through the blogosphere

Waltzing through the blogosphere

I guess it’s not surprising that as a blogger, I occasionally wonder around looking at other blogs … I regularly visit about a dozen and am always looking for new ones to add to my list. Today I’ve visited several new sites and have picked up a few...

No fieldwork necessary

I am putting the finishing touches on this month’s newsletter, and am including comments regarding the revelation that certain GIPS(R) verifiers feel that it’s not necessary for them to conduct “fieldwork.” That is, they feel that they can...

Does this help??? Perhaps, but it’s still confusing.

Today at our European Forum meeting we learned that a Q&A has been issued regarding the Error & Correction Guidance Statement. Recall that this GS includes a requirement to report material errors in a presentation for a period of 12 months; this was a major...

Sampling … what does it mean?

The GIPS (r) standards allow verifiers to use sampling to conduct their reviews. This makes perfect sense … otherwise, the costs might be prohibitive if every account, for every time period, for every composite had to be checked. Also, sampling has long been an...

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