by David Spaulding | Jun 4, 2014 | Investment Performance Guy, News
The SEC has taken action against ZPR Investment Management, a Florida separate-account money manager. InvestmentNews provides a synopsis of what the case involves. The article reports that “Max E. Zavanelli — a portfolio manager who has compared his success at...
by David Spaulding | May 29, 2014 | Investment Performance Guy, News
We are and have been in the “information age” for some time, but we’re arguably still struggling with it. There have been massive reports about the massive amount of information we’re subjected to on a daily basis. Many (probably all of us) are...
by admin | Apr 16, 2014 | Investment Performance Guy, News
The Wall Street Journal posted the following yesterday: Well, to me this is a reason for performance measurers to celebrate. Why?, you might ask: because: we’re mathematicians. Wikipedia defines a mathematician as “a person with an extensive knowledge...
by admin | Apr 15, 2014 | Investment Performance Guy, News
We’re wrapping up our “mini” GIPS® survey, but first want to hear from you! It’s REALLY fast to do; we only ask four questions: 1. Your Name/ Company/ Title 2. Does your firm currently claim compliance with the GIPS® standards? 3. Do you want...
by admin | Apr 10, 2014 | Investment Performance Guy, News
I took most of this week off so that a friend of mine and I could go to the Masters golf tournament in August, GA. Our wives came along, though they stayed at our hotel location (in Savannah, GA) while we headed to yesterday’s final practice round and par-3...