Annualizing Yield to Maturity

A client called yesterday asking about annualizing yield to maturity (YTM). Can this be done and if so, how? One should recall that the Yield to Maturity of a bond is calculated by using the internal rate of return, thus YTM = IRR. IRR is often expressed across a...

Timing is everything

Please allow me to vent a bit more regarding the SEC / Goldman Sachs news. In an editorial in yesterday’s Wall Street Journal we learned that last Friday, when the SEC announced its lawsuit alleging fraud by Goldman Sachs, they announced the publication of an...

Isn’t there always the other side?

I, like many others, was surprised by the revelation that Goldman Sachs has been charged with defrauding investors. While my research into this is somewhat limited at this time, I couldn’t help but be struck by a statement in today’s Wall Street Journal...

Getting the pricing right

I just finished listening to Gregory Zuckerman’s The Greatest Trade Ever and highly recommend it if you’d like some insights into how John Paulson managed to make several billion dollars in a difficult market. Much of the profit came from the rather...

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