What question does the GIPS for Asset Owners composite return answer?

The revised GIPS for Asset Owners guidance statement hasn’t yet been finalized, but we can pretty much expect that the time-weighted composite return requirement will remain. At a recent NYSSA (New York Society of Security Analysts) GIPS program, that I had the...

Crossing return gaps to meet client requests

Return gaps can often occur. And so, there are times when we might want to be able to “cross” them: that is, to extend performance across this gap, so that we have a continuous return. However, there are times when the manager may not want to cross it, but...

When gross minus net doesn’t equal the annual advisory fee: still an oldie but a goodie

Perhaps the problem I’ll touch on is such that firms will avoid reporting gross- and net-of-fee returns. Hopefully not. A new GIPS(R) (Global Investment Performance Standards) verification client reached out with a problem. One of their clients subtracted their...

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