Several years ago, TSG published the first guide on the presentation standards. At that time we still had the AIMR-PPS(R), and GIPS(R) was just getting started. Well, the book sold out pretty quickly, and we had plans to revise it, but hadn’t made much progress, until last year, when we committed to get the job done!
I wrote the earlier version; this time I was joined by my colleagues, John Simpson and Jed Schneider. Douglas Spaulding, who is the editor of The Journal of Performance Measurement(R), was charged with getting the draft edited and laid out; something he (with help from our proof reader, Mary Meagher, and production assistant, Jessica Laffey) has done in record time! We plan to have the materials to the printer within the next week or so, with an expected book delivery back to us by mid May.
We are quite excited about the book, as it is a HUGE expansion on the prior version, and is part of our GIPS Orientation Kit™. The book lists for only $75, and we’re having a “pre-release sale” at just $45 (i.e., a $30 savings!). If you’re interested, please place your order by the April 30.
I also want to ackowledge and thank the sponsors for this book project:
Performance Perspectives Blog
GIPS Guide Almost Here!