Performance Perspectives Blog

GIPS Standards Handbook Now Available; TSG to Provide Copies to GIPS Verification Clients

by | Dec 11, 2012

The long-awaited third edition of the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS(R)) Handbook is now available.

This book is a companion whenever I do a verification. I find it to be an invaluable compendium to the Standards, and a valuable resource that helps provide clarity to various aspects of the Standards.

The book is available as a PDF online for free. While I frequently use the PDF version of the Standards, I haven’t taken advantage of this option with the handbook, but will give it a try. Hard copy versions are available for US$40.

TSG feels that this book is so important that we are buying copies for all of our GIPS verification clients. Each client’s verifier will provide a copy to them when we conduct their 2012 verification. A copy is also included in our GIPS Orientation Kit.

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