The Journal of Performance Measurement(R) is beginning a series on performance measurement professionals, and we need your help to identify the folks we should include. We plan to focus on one or two people in each issue, but want the list to be driven by input from...
Performance Perspectives Blog
Thoughts on performance measurement from David Spaulding and other members of our team.

Who’s Who in Performance Measurement, II

A sense of community
In this past weekend's WSJ, an article titled "Religion for Everyone" appeared which was taken from a book by Alain de Botton, that touched on the subject of "community." It begins "One of the losses that modern society feels most keenly is the loss of a sense of...

Who’s Who in Performance Measurement
In the Fall 2011 issue of The Journal of Performance Measurement(R) we mentioned that this year we're starting a new section, that will highlight the "Who's Who" of performance measurement. We invited readers to submit names to our editor, Doug Spaulding. While we've...

TSG in the media
This has been a rather busy week for TSG and the media.On Monday, Chris Spaulding, a company SVP who heads sales and client relations, and Patrick Fowler, our firm's COO, were interviewed on WCTC Radio. They discussed sales and marketing...

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Inflating performance
Excuse me for once again commenting on the subject of trust, but I just learned that Claremont Mckenna College, a prestigious California institution, has admitted to inflating SAT scores to improve it's ranking. There seems to be almost an epidemic in such...

“Say again?”
It wasn't long after I joined the Field Artillery that I learned that one did not say "repeat" over the radio, especially when speaking to anyone in an artillery battery, as this expression means to "fire again." Instead, one would simply speak the...

PMAR IX Transcripts Published
We're pleased to announce that the transcripts from last year's Performance Measurement, Attribution, and Risk (PMAR) conference has been published. Since TSG began the conference ten years ago, we have gone to the expense of time and money to produce these reports,...

A year of epiphanies, perhaps?
Today is the Feast of the Epiphany. At Church our pastor explained the meaning of the term:capitalized, it refers to the manifestation of Christ to the gentiles in the persons of the Magi (three Kings)lower case, it is a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into...

How large is your stack of quotidian reports?
If you're like me, the word "quotidian" is probably one you're not terribly familiar with. Perhaps you don't even see it in print regularly, though interestingly it appeared twice on page A15 of the July 26, 2011 edition of The Wall Street Journal, in both an article...