Performance Perspectives Blog

Thoughts on performance measurement from David Spaulding and other members of our team.

Benchmarks: what can / can’t you do?

Benchmarks & the world of ignorance It appears that there is a tremendous amount of misunderstanding within our industry regarding what firms can or cannot do with market index-based benchmarks. At the core, many investment professionals, including asset managers...

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Announcing an all-day GIPS Webinar

GIPS Webinar / Workshop: December 15, 2016 I'm really excited to announce TSG will host a GIPS® webinar on December 15, 2016. It's going to be an all-day workshop, starting at 10 AM (US) EST. My friends and colleagues, Herb Chain, CPA (formerly of D&T) and Matt...

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Getting ready for #GIPS2020

At this year's annual #GIPS conference, we learned that the GIPS® Executive Committee is beginning work on the next edition of the Global Investment Performance Standards: GIPS 2020, or as those of us who Tweet will probably refer to it, #GIPS2020. While exercising...

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Preparatory steps to GIPS Compliance

Steps to GIPS compliance, if you're not quite ready to comply We were recently asked the following: “Do you have any recommendations or best practices we should be employing now to provide an easier transition to GIPS® reporting in the future?” I guess we'd call these...

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Did you fill out the GIPS survey, yet?

GIPS Survey Time The GIPS(R) Executive Committee has posted a survey here, and they'd like your input. The survey will only take you a few minutes. One question they ask is what changes you'd make to the Standards. I offered three: Change the composite return from an...

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Combining risk and return: how and where

Integrating risk and return Last week I moderated a panel on integrating risk and return at the Rimes User Conference in New York City. Rimes was celebrating their 20th anniversary, and did so in a grand fashion. Panel members were Sean Murray (Bisam), Steve O'Brien...

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