CIPM Exam Tips & Tricks


We had our March Performance Measurement Think Tank call earlier this week, and as usual, it was a good session of questions and polls.

What did we cover?

Discussion topics/questions included:

  • Do GIPS requirements extend to third-party performance preparers?
  • Is there GIPS guidance planned for ETF strategy managers?
  • If I don’t register my firm’s claim of GIPS compliance with CFA Institute, are we really not compliant?
  • How can off-benchmark decisions be measured in the Brinson-Fachler attribution model?

We also had two poll questions, including:

  • What large cash flow definition do you use for your GIPS composites?
  • Are ThinkTank members interested in having the ThinkTank resource be available via FaceBook?

The above is just a sampling of the types of topics we (that is, me, David Spaulding, DPS, CIPM, and our other performance experts) normally cover in our monthly sessions.

Our next session is scheduled for April 25th at 8:00 am Pacific (11:00 am Eastern).

Interested in trying the Think Tank?  We are offering a risk-free trial on our next session!

For more information on the Performance Measurement Think Tank, please contact Patrick Fowler ( or Chris Spaulding (!

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