Performance Perspectives Blog

TSG News

by | Oct 5, 2015

A great deal has been happening, and I thought that it would be okay to share a bit with you. It’s not often (ever?) that I present TSG News, so hope you won’t mind.

  1. Outsourcing Webinar: You were alerted of this last week (I did a post); that tomorrow, I’ll moderate a panel discussion on outsourcing. We think it’ll be great, and have over 200 firms signed up! There’s still time for you to sign up, too: just go here!
  2. I’m moderating a panel on Thursday at the Illinois Public Pension Fund Association (IPPFA) conference on benchmarking. Joining me are Sean Wasserman (NASDAQ), Dax Johnson, CFA (State Street), and Tom Heiner (BNY/Mellon). Our goal is to provide further visibility into the skyrocketing costs for benchmark data.
  3. Pensions & Investments has published two of my letters,
    • September 21, on the compatibility of the GIPS(R) standards for Outsourced CIOs
    • October 5, on the recommendation that private pension funds, endowments, foundations, etc. adopt the new rules that GASB (Government Accounting Standards Board) has put forward for public pension funds, mandating the annual reporting of the internal rate of return.
  4. We’ve just announced that this year’s webinar-based conference will be “The Best of PMAR.” It will take place November 30 to December 4. Information regarding registration is being distributed now.
  5. I was not able to attend, but Chris Spaulding and John Simpson, CIPM represented our firm at this year’s annual GIPS conference. John took copious notes, and they are detailed in the September’s newsletters, both of which will go out shortly. Both are “record length,” as there’s much to be shared. John also conducted a webinar on the session, and the video is available. If you’re interested in getting a copy, please go here.
  6. The theme for PMAR XIV will be Performance Measurement Rock Stars. We expect the event to be especially enjoyable, as we’re working on ways to leverage the “rock star” theme into the program. Oh, and the person who came up with the theme will be given a complimentary pass to next year’s program! A press release is planned.

That’s it for TSG News for now. I may do this again, when we feel there’s sufficient information to share with you.


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